Evangelism Support

Evangelism Support

The congregation that meets at Capshaw faithfuly supports the work of spreading the gospel outside of our community.  Jesus commanded us to "go into all the world" (Matt. 28:19-20) with the Gospel. For many years, this church has supported Gospel preachers in numerous places around the world and across the United States.

Currently, we have fellowship with ten different evangelists around the world. Of particular interest is our on-going Gospel work in foreign countries such as Grenada, Mexico, Zimbabwe, and Kenya.

The Capshaw congregation currently supports the following men:

  • Benjamin Muvondoni – Chitowa, Zimbabwe
  • Jose Tobias – Tamps, Mexico
  • Joshuah Mutahi Wambugu – Nyeri, Kenya
  • Luis Mota - South Chiapas, Mexico
  • Ossafa Gordon – St. George, Grenada
  • Reason Bwatikona – Masunda, Zimbabwe
  • Samuel Lopez - Ocosingo, Mexico
  • Trymore Tizola – Mutara, Zimbabwe
  • Wes Webb - High Springs, Florida

We also occasionally send bibles, study material, and song books to other brethern in need around the world.